Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!


This is first year we really got into Halloween with Iris.  Since September we have been asking her what she wanted to go as and we finally agreed upon a rainbow.   I looked up rainbow costumes and saw I would need to spend like 60 dollars and those costumes looked pretty straight forward to make.  So Iris and I took off to buy some materials to make her rainbow!

We bought way too much felt (because we FELT like it haaa), some thread, and some fluffy stuffing.  I have some of the steps I followed pictured below.


First I cut out a shape from cardboard to give the costume more of a shape to stick to.  Then I laid the cardboard onto the felt.


Then I just kept adding new colors and cutting the arches smaller.  I double cut the fabric because I wanted the rainbow to be two sided.




Once I got them all laid out, I began sewing the pieces together.  I liked the way the thread was showing up, but hand stitching took quite a while.


I made a cloud.  Then I decided I hated the cloud and liked version two better (just plain stuffing.)  I just kept thinking I was on Project Runway and Tim Gunn was telling me to “make it work”.   Anything for you Tim Gunn!20171008_192149

This is about where I stabbed myself for the thousandth time and Eric suggested getting a thimble.  But I would need a stinkin’ thimble for each finger because I stabbed myself in a new place every time.20171009_160350

Iris’s fitting.  We had to bribe her with m&m’s to get her into the costume but hey whatever it is all a part of her trick or treat training right?


Allllllmooooost done.


Ta-da!  So about the Dino Dad costume… we went trunk or treating last weekend and Iris was OBSESSED with the dinosaur costume.  She wouldn’t stop talking about “big orange dinosaur”.  She kept saying she wanted to look for it outside.  Eric and I decided to surprise her with a dino trick or treating buddy.  It took her a really long time to get close to Eric and she still refused to hold his hand but she would poke his dino tail every once in a while.


Here is my costume: Mrs. Jo-na Lisa.

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Iris’s Halloween costumes the past two years.  Awwwww my baby is getting so big!

Have a Happy Halloween!


2 thoughts on “Happy Halloween!”

  1. This would be a great gift book of your child…a yearly Halloween costume pic until they stop trick or treating or leave home…more creative than a dozen years on Santa’s lap!


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